Jeffrey Truijens | gebouwNbeheer

Jeffrey Truijens

Jeffrey Truijens


Information & process specialist | Partner

From my studies in Design & Construction Management (TU Delft), I graduated on the subject of BIM. I was then allowed to put this into practice at Dura Vermeer, one of the largest contractors in the Netherlands. After 7 years I took up the challenge within VDNDP to bring the organization even more hands-on to the next level.

I have also been very active in driving standardization and digitization in the industry since 2016, through initiatives such as the BIM base ILS, ILS Design & Engineering and the ILS Configurator. Information Management and thinking in processes is the common thread in everything I am involved in and the driver for improvement. I always try to do all this in a "playful-professional" way to motivate people intrinsically.  

"What I like to learn from Jeffrey is structuring and guiding processes. Jeffrey always gets to the core very quickly. He always has the end goal in sight and then comes up with a strategy to achieve that goal in no time. He also knows how to communicate complex tasks in such a way that it becomes understandable and logical for everyone. In this way he also knows how to quickly convince other people of his views."  

Robin Koehnen